Saturday, November 3, 2007

Founder's Day 2007

Oh, we Danley's are so clever.

As I found our blog today, this very day of November 3rd, 2007, today in Verrado ( is Founder's Day. Verrado was founded in 2002. This is the much anticipated 5 year anniversary weekend. Today AJ & I will discover what this means. I hope that I find out why Verrado was founded, but never established as a township or anything. I thought I was moving up in the world, until I discovered that my address would still read as: Buckeye, Arizona 85396. Not that there's anything wrong with Buckeye.

Founder's Day will be full of festivities. AJ has been looking forward to this day for months. This morning, he actually rolled over and said, "Happy Founder's Day!" I told him he'd never even said "Happy Halloween" earlier this week, but for some strange reason, this event held more merit in his eyes. AJ is excited about the concert, the day of celebration, and the thought of spending some good old-fashioned community time with our neighbors. Blues Traveler will be performing a free concert (well, free to us, not the "township") and our Main Street Town Square has been completely transformed. There will be food stands, beer gardens, a talent show, and more people than I ever wanted to see in one small town garden.

But, I will enjoy this day that AJ has been long awaiting, but I think that I will savor even more the fact that I finally joined the family blogging club. And now we can continue to share... Moore fun for everyone.


stacie said...

Yay! Post more!

My blog is here now:

Miss you guys!!

JD said...

That's silly.

kendanley said...

Yes blog.

Jane said...

I LOVE your blog name, or whatever you call it!! LOVE your story...keep writing Moore stuff!!